List of Reports

Chemical / Sulphur Stench in Air

Status: Unresolved

Date: Thursday 17 February 2011 15:20 PM

Address: All of Mecca, particularly near Johnson St. and Avenue 62

Description: Thousands of Mecca residents are experiencing nausea, headaches, and fainting following at least two months of serious chemical and odor stenches in their air. Ambulances have been called on multiple occassions to a local elementary school (Saul Martinez Elem.). Air quality agencies (Southern Air Quality Mgmt District and EPA) are linking the stench to a factory on adjacent tribal land that recycles toxic dirt and some other products. Governmental authorities not apparently taking action. Community outraged.

Large Hay Stack Burn

Status: In Progress

Date: Wednesday 16 February 2011 23:05 PM

Address: Imperial

Description: Large Hay Stack Burn, Emergency Services Responded. However, Traffic is being allowed to travel through smoke plume. Concern of health hazard exposure to smoke and limited visibility driving through smoke.

Smoke in the Town of Calexico

Status: Unresolved

Date: Tuesday 1 February 2011 0:57 AM

Address: Calexico, CA

Description: New voicemail from (760) 604-6196 at 12:28 PM


Voicemail from (760) 604-6196 at 12:28 PM
Transcript: Hello, This is Ema silva here from calexico. I want to report there is smoke all over the place here in Calexico. There is a burning field on the west side of town which is taking the plumes of smoke towards mexicali, and also on the east side of town, blowing smoke towards mexicali. I wonder if they had permission to burn the fields because its very windy. My phone number is 768-1753 Give me a call please. Thank you.
Play message:

Power Plant

Status: Unresolved

Date: Wednesday 26 January 2011 19:46 PM

Address: Brawley, ca

Description: This power plant always has smoke. It´s on 111 a few miles south of Brawley.

Poor Air Quality Surrounding Communities in Mecca, California

Status: In Progress

Date: Saturday 22 January 2011 21:06 PM

Address: Near 62900 Lincoln Avenue in Mecca, CA 92254

Description: A company, nearby housing developments in Mecca, is polluting the quality of air in the low income community of Mecca, in the County of Riverside California. The company is near some apartment complexes and housing development. Across the waste yard is a kindergarden for small children that during their breaks are playing and smelling this waste. The air nearby smells "rotten" and it gives a headache. The company has this mountains of waste polluting the quality of air. You can see the particules floating in the air, and the smell is just horrific. One of the worst cases of air pollutions I have seen in my life.

Trash and tires from canal bottom

Status: Unresolved

Date: Friday 21 January 2011 19:39 PM

Address: Brawley, mead and bryant road

Description: I have a concern that large piles of mud combined with tires and trash are sitting on the side of the road on Bryant and mead road. Where does this trash end up? Who is extracting it? are not tires and trash illegal dumping. I have concern once the mud dries, the fine dust combined with all the pesticide from the drain canal will blow towards brawley near the school on Malan and Bryant. Everyone knows that when the farmers irrigate the fields the excess water and pesticides drain into the canals. Should I be concerned with the large piles of mud? can anyone test the piles? I took pictures this morning while driving to work.

hay bales burning

Status: In Progress

Date: Friday 31 December 2010 6:01 AM

Address: Corner of King Road, Keffer Dr. & Highway 7

Description: At Least a Dozen Piles of Hay Bales burning 5am Friday December 31st. Smoke Haze over highway 7/Orchard Road. Field located off Higway 7/ Keffer Dr./ and King Rd.

By appearance, the burning bales might have been used as markers or flags given their distribution around the field.

Time Picture taken: approx 5 am.

field burning

Status: Unresolved

Date: Monday 27 December 2010 16:45 PM

Address: Right across from what used to be holly sugar

Description: there was a lot of smoke earlier today; drove by to check it out, and a field had just been burned.


Status: In Progress

Date: Wednesday 15 December 2010 23:22 PM

Address: Main, 111, Brawley

Description: Earthquake 4.4 at 11:16 AM. Several Aftershocks continue to Shake. Several Schools Evacuated to Outdoor. Some Preschools are calling parents to Pick up their children.

Damaged Road Hurting Business

Status: In Progress

Date: Wednesday 17 November 2010 14:37 PM

Address: drew road, seeley, ca

Description: Drew road in seeley


The county has informed me that Drew Road will not open until at least the end of January. Besides the serious inconvenience to the local residents, this is hurting business now that the snowbird season is here. I am trying to get people to voice there concerns to the board of supervisors at their meeting next Tuesday. I understand you are involved with Seeley Citizens United. Perhaps you could help get some people there. The county needs to know this is unacceptable. In reviewing the area, there could be a detour through a road through Sunbeam Park if they really wanted to do something.

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