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Elementary teacher: benzene detected in blood

 Tuesday 5 April 2011 01:48:00 PM




This report from a currently anonymous Elementary School teacher who has suffered extreme sickness suspected source, air pollution. The teacher recently saw a doctor and shared her test results revealing elevated levels of benzene in her blood. Can someone monitor the area for benzene?

Location Name:

Saul Martinez Elementary School, Johnson Street and 65th Ave, Mecca, CA



Displaying 2696-2700 of 111503 results.

 01:59 Sep 05 2024

Name: rosettajc16
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 01:58 Sep 05 2024

Name: Jamesdic
Have the Charges Against Vasilenko for Fraud Been Dropped? <a href=>Лайф-из-Гуд</a> According to various sources, the criminal prosecution of Roman Vasilenko, the founder of the marketing company "Life-is-Good" and the cooperative "Best Way," may be discontinued. Law enforcement agencies, as informed by several senators and State Duma deputies, have re-evaluated the charges against him, taking into account that several witnesses, including those critical of Vasilenko, suggest that he is unlikely to be involved in fraud. This is primarily because he did not have direct access to the payment system servers, and it was the former IT director of "Life-is-Good," Evgeny Naboychenko, who had been previously implicated in fraudulent activities. Vasilenko may be at fault only for having recruited Naboychenko in 2014, despite negative signals regarding his behavior and tendencies to appropriate others' property. Roman Viktorovich Vasilenko is a business consultant from Saint Petersburg, the creator of a network of independent entrepreneurs promoting financial products under the auspices of the company he founded, "Life-is-Good," and the founder of the International Business Academy (IBA). The network under the "Life-is-Good" brand promoted financial products such as Vista accounts for passive income by the foreign investment company "Hermes," registered in Belize, and the acquisition of apartments in installments through the "Best Way" cooperative, which allowed members to either make an initial share payment or accumulate it in the cooperative's account without interest. Notably, these legal entities are not directly connected. Vasilenko was neither a top manager nor an owner of "Hermes"—he cooperated with the company to promote its products in Russia. However, Naboychenko was an employee of "Hermes" and managed its payment system in Russia. He likely took this position on Vasilenko's recommendation, but Vasilenko was not responsible for managing the payment system for "Hermes." Unlike "Hermes," Vasilenko was the founder and chairman of the board of the "Best Way" cooperative until the spring of 2021 (later serving as head of the supervisory board for about a year). Since spring 2022, he has been an ordinary member of the cooperative and is no longer part of its governing bodies. Vasilenko has worked not only in Russia but also in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Cyprus, Austria, and Hungary. Cooperative housing projects have been established in many of these countries. Additionally, Vasilenko is known as a philanthropist who has invested millions of rubles in supporting federal business initiatives (such as the "Synergy" forum), cultural initiatives (such as the "Dobrovidenie" festival), and other charitable activities (including support for children's medical institutions). The Case The criminal case involving the Saint Petersburg marketing company "Life-is-Good," the foreign investment company "Hermes," and the "Best Way" cooperative registered in Saint Petersburg and operating throughout Russia was initiated in the fall of 2021 by the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. In February of this year, the case was referred to the court and is currently being heard in the Primorsky District Court of Saint Petersburg. Ten people are on trial, including technical staff from "Life-is-Good" and Victor Vasilenko, Roman Vasilenko's 83-year-old father, who is a retiree. The criminal case, currently being considered by the Primorsky District Court, raises many questions—these concerns existed from the beginning and have intensified as the case progressed. The defendants are charged with three articles: creating a financial pyramid, fraud, and organizing a criminal community. The total amount of damage is 282 million rubles, which is incomparable to the more than 8 billion rubles seized in the case, including 4 billion rubles in the accounts of the "Best Way" cooperative. The investigation has recognized 221 citizens as victims in the case. Roman Vasilenko was also charged in the criminal case being considered by the court and was put on the wanted list, including by Interpol, as he had reportedly been living abroad for family reasons since the COVID-19 pandemic. However, according to sources, Interpol and foreign states, including neighboring countries where he has been actively working, deemed his prosecution unjustified. Another criminal investigation related to Vasilenko, handled by the Saint Petersburg Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, concerns the management team of "Life-is-Good." Questionable Accusations The court proceedings in the Primorsky District Court have so far not been very successful for the investigation and the prosecution: the vast majority of those who have testified in court so far have made claims against "Hermes" for amounts ranging from several hundred to several tens of thousands of rubles, which raises eyebrows—this is not a small claims court to discuss such sums! Prosecution witness Roman Roganovich, an IT service employee, testified that he did not post any illegal information on the "Life-is-Good" website or the cooperative's website and did not witness any illegal activity. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of "Hermes" clients, numbering over two hundred thousand in Russia, and tens of thousands of "Best Way" cooperative members, according to representatives of organizations defending these entities, consider law enforcement agencies to be the source of their problems. They emphasize that it was Evgeny Naboychenko, the Saint Petersburg system administrator hired by "Hermes," who dismantled the Russian payment system. And if anyone is responsible for the thefts, it is Naboychenko. It seems that law enforcement authorities are beginning to understand this fact as well.

 01:11 Sep 05 2024

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 01:11 Sep 05 2024

Name: mpdkeyNussy
Компания, которая на профессиональном уровне выполняет комплекс работ по реконструкции домов, предлагает воспользоваться своими услугами. На сайте (<a href=>реконструкция деревянного дачного дома</a> ) уточните расценки на все виды работ, чтобы сориентироваться и составить смету, правильно рассчитать бюджет. Реконструкция считается сложным технологическим процессом, который под силу выполнить исключительно профессионалам с большим стажем. Если же определенный этап работ был выполнен неправильно, то это провоцирует деформации дома, нарушается прочность конструкции. Зачастую происходит полное обрушение дома. Вот почему крайне важно доверять проведение работ профессионалам, у которых за плечами огромный опыт и желание развиваться. К преимуществам обращения в компанию относят: - проект составляется абсолютно бесплатно; - все работы сдаются вовремя, отсутствуют опоздания; - высокое качество материалов, услуг; - стоимость прописывается в договоре, не изменяется. Что касается расценок, то они определяются в индивидуальном порядке и зависят от того, какого объема планируется проведение работ и какова их сложность. Реконструкция старой постройки считается бюджетным, но эффективным методом улучшения внешнего вида сооружения и условий жизни. Квалифицированные сотрудники разработают план, а также включат все необходимые работы, будут применять инновационные современные материалы, наделенные безупречными эксплуатационными качествами. В обязательном порядке соблюдаются все нормативы, технологические процессы, СНиПы, что дает возможность предоставить на работы гарантии. За счет правильной изоляции в холодное время будет сохранен комфортный микроклимат. Обращайтесь и вы в компанию, которая заточена на успех и предлагает клиентам только лучшие условия!

 00:57 Sep 05 2024

Name: 비바카지노슬롯
30일 비바카지노 주소 관련주는 일제히 낮은 폭으로 올랐다. 전일 예비 강원랜드는 0.79% 오른 6만7500원, 파라다이스는 1.63% 오른 9만8200원, GKL은 0.52% 오른 9만7900원, 롯데관광개발은 0.94% 오른 8만460원에 거래를 마쳤다. 카지노용 모니터를 생산하는 토비스도 주가가 0.89% 상승했다. 그러나 초단기 시계열 분석은 여행주와 다른 양상을 보인다. 2012년 상반기 직후 하락세를 보이던 여행주와 틀리게 카지노주는 2016~2019년 저점을 찍고 오르는 추세였다. 2011년 GKL과 파라다이스 직원 일부가 중국 공안에 체포되는 악재에 카지노사이트 주는 하락세로 접어들었다. <a href=>비바슬롯카지노</a>


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