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Elementary teacher: benzene detected in blood

 Tuesday 5 April 2011 01:48:00 PM




This report from a currently anonymous Elementary School teacher who has suffered extreme sickness suspected source, air pollution. The teacher recently saw a doctor and shared her test results revealing elevated levels of benzene in her blood. Can someone monitor the area for benzene?

Location Name:

Saul Martinez Elementary School, Johnson Street and 65th Ave, Mecca, CA



Displaying 1771-1775 of 111140 results.

 21:05 Sep 10 2024

Name: 하수구막힘
이번년도는 처음으로 전문 변기막힘기업을 고용해 동지역민센터의 냉난방기를 일괄 청소완료한다. 전문가가 냉난방기를 완전히 분해 후 세척하고 기기 성능과 이상 여부를 점검하여 동 청사의 공기가 매우 청정해지는 것은 물론 냉난방기의 수명 연장도 기대할 수 있습니다. <a href=>하수구막힘</a>

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Name: fannieie60
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Name: M자 탈모 치료
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