List of Reports
Grafetti house in Seeley across from the Seeley School
Status: Unresolved
Date: Friday 17 February 2012 13:14 PM
Address: Seeley, CA. 92273
Description: Revisited the house on beginning of Feb. with David Bacon award winning photographer and the house has several big earthquake cracks that are affecting the foundation in several rooms and found a drug needle and empty beer cans left by parties that hang out there. Walls have been damaged with big holes and garage is completly opened and door is damaged.
Windows are open. Need to boarded up, fenced off for safety or better yet, demolished by property owner or county. Buffer zone safety by a school is too close to kids.
Construction and E-waste illegal dump
Status: In Progress
Date: Thursday 19 January 2012 4:21 AM
Address: 204, Fonzie Ave, Imperial, United States
Description: At Paseo del Sol, city of imperial. Kids play in this area and identify it as "paseo del sol mountain". Kids are drawn to the numerous trails circling the construction debris and enjoy hammering the tv's with sticks. There is concrete, paint cans, and industrial scale sewage pipes and misc sharp hazards.
Snow in Calexico?
Status: In Progress
Date: Tuesday 20 December 2011 13:50 PM
Address: New River, Calexico
Description: Non-biodegradable detergents accumulated to an overwhelming mountain view at the U.S. - Mexico Port of Entry. There have been concerns regarding these detergents going airborne after coming in contact with the New River contaminated water.
Septic Tank Overflow on unit #24 in Hernandez (Los Gatos) Mobile Home Park
Status: In Progress
Date: Friday 9 December 2011 13:25 PM
Address: Los Gatos MHP
Description: The septic tank in unit #24 has been releasing water for at least 10 days now. Owners have been notified of the issue, and have not responded to it.
Recurrent problem in the park
Trash dumped and abandoned
Status: Unresolved
Date: Wednesday 7 December 2011 2:21 AM
Address: Trash dumped side of road south bound 111 and 4th st. Mecca, ca.
Description: Trash dumped side of road south bound 111 and 4th st. Mecca, ca. Household and garden items. Oil quart container and misc debris.
Fire at Western Environmental Inc.*verified with Cal Fire Station $40 *
Status: In Progress
Date: Monday 5 December 2011 5:32 AM
Address: Western Environmental Inc
Description: At 5:32am, on December 5th, the Fire department responded to a fire reported in WEI. Information exists that points that this was not an isolated incident, and that at least another fire broke up in WEI before this. Information from Incident #111893 (Number assigned by CalFire to the incident) was verified as correct - fire engines from Station #40 at 4th street in Mecca responded to the incident. Copy of the Fire report is in process of being obtained.
Test report test report "high in anti oxidants "
Status: Unresolved
Date: Friday 2 December 2011 1:43 AM
Address: 4th Ave, San Diego, United States
Description: Test report test report
Concern of white dish at tcwf, concern of high content of anti oxidant .
Pesticide Containers not properly stored, laying on soil
Status: Unresolved
Date: Thursday 1 December 2011 13:06 PM
Address: Imperial
Description: Imperial Arial spraying business, numerous pesticide containers not properly stored, i have uploaded one picture which shows a few, north lot has about one hundred additional containers laying above ground. Was not able to upload pictures. Will email to ryan.
Activity at Western Environmental - Soil was being moved around.
Status: In Progress
Date: Saturday 19 November 2011 12:30 PM
Address: Western Environmental Inc
Description: After my personal Air Quality Monitor (a person with Asthma) sensed something was wrong with the air, I drove by WEI and found out they were moving soil all around. You can't enter or get close to the facility but at the corner of 62nd & Gene Welmas Dr, I stopped and you could feel something in your respiratory system...
Going back a bit on the 62nd, I was able to film some of the activity, and took some pictures. Activity was seen from 12:30 (the time my Monitor threw up the alarm) to after 3:30pm, time at which the video was taken.
Trash at the All American Canal
Status: Unresolved
Date: Monday 14 November 2011 23:23 PM
Address: Kloke and Bowker 92231
Description: People continue to dump trash, concrete, and brick pillars at the All American Canal near the corner of Kloke and Bowker junction, just east of Andrade Ave., in Calexico. This is one of few areas with enough water and vegetation to support wildlife throughtout the year. It is also one of the areas where I take my children for walks. The amount of trash dumping has dramatically increased during the past month and, at this rate, this whole area will be buried soon. Please inform the appropriate authorities so that they are aware of this situation.
Concerned Calexican