List of Reports
Excessive Dust
Status: Unresolved
Date: Sunday 28 July 2013 23:47 PM
Address: Ocotillo
Description: A maintenance truck at the Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility is traveling at more than 15 mph and generating excessive dust. Pattern Energy mitigated fugitive dust issues, but they don't appear to following the agreements. Where is the accountability? Over 150 dust complaints have been sent to ICAPCD, but the dust issues continue. It is past time for government agencies to intervene.
Deisel Truck Emissions
Status: Unresolved
Date: Monday 29 July 2013 13:29 PM
Address: Dos Cabezas Rd.
Description: This replacement Turbine Blade delivery truck has been idling at this spot since last Saturday afternoon. The Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility is touted to be a green energy facility. These examples of "Not Green" are never revealed to the public. This is not the only truck idling in place. You can bet none of these emissions are accurately reported.
Deisel Truck Emissions
Status: Unresolved
Date: Monday 29 July 2013 13:29 PM
Address: Dos Cabezas Rd.
Description: This replacement Turbine Blade delivery truck has been idling at this spot since last Saturday afternoon. The Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility is touted to be a green energy facility. These examples of "Not Green" are never revealed to the public. This is not the only truck idling in place. You can bet none of these emissions are accurately reported.
Sewer Smell Near New Apartments & Target
Status: Unresolved
Date: Tuesday 23 July 2013 0:14 AM
Address: Imperial
Description: Everytime I ride my bike on Cruickshank road I find the smell of sewer unbearable. Seems since the new apartments were build next to the railroad the smell has increased. Something is not right. Can someone check the sewer engineering was done right. It is a nuisance and shame such a nice bike path was built along this road. I also dont understand why there is no bike path between Treshill road and Aten. Makes no sense at all.
Illegal Dumping tires & 4 Oil Buckets
Status: In Progress
Date: Monday 22 July 2013 13:52 PM
Address: Jasper, pitzer, heber
Description: There are about 10 tires and 4 oil buckets on side of the road on Jaspser road, just south of Pitzer on the right hand side.
Tar box
Status: In Progress
Date: Wednesday 26 June 2013 22:37 PM
Address: El Centro
Description: A large plastic container appearing to contain a black tar substance has been dumped in a commercial lot just south of the old Blockbuster building. There is a new business where they sell car title loans- just east of Cardenas grocery store. It is in the same shopping center as Radio Shack and others.
Smoke Cloud Over Imperial County
Status: In Progress
Date: Monday 17 June 2013 13:49 PM
Address: dogwood road, highway 8
Description: I noticed smell of smoke at 4pm as I entered Chucky Cheese with kids. I left about 7pm and the smoke had partially obscured my visibility in every direction but mostly from the West. I was informed that it could be a combination of evening agricultural burning in Mexicali and Forest fire in Tecate, B.C.
Dirty baby diaper and wipes left in parking lot
Status: Unresolved
Date: Wednesday 15 May 2013 13:33 PM
Address: Plaza De Oro medical building, Pepper Drive, El Centro, CA
Description: While attempting to park at my Doctor's office, I noticed a nasty, dirty, feces filled baby diaper and used wipes, lying on the ground, in the parking lot space. I also saw another discarded dirty diaper in this same lot, while driving away.
Ocotillo Wind
Status: Unresolved
Date: Thursday 25 April 2013 13:18 PM
Address: Ocotillo, CA 92259, USA
Description: Excessive noise from turbines T-176, T-169, T86 and T-87, but accumulation of noise from all turbines, transformers, and cooling systems is extrmely distracting. Noise outside is unbearable.
Ocotillo Wind
Status: Unresolved
Date: Thursday 25 April 2013 13:07 PM
Address: Ocotillo, CA 92259, USA
Description: Dust generated from breaking the desert crust at the Ocotillo Wind Facility in Ocotillo. Pattern Energy constructed 42 miles of new access roads and 81 miles of underground electrical collection lines. The fugetive dust mitagation plan is not enough to curtail dust. Dust on these 2 days is more than most of us have ever seen in Ocotillo. Thye dust is coming from the construction disturbance.