Tractor Pollution
Thursday 10 August 2017 12:54 PM
Location: 701-815 Ben Hulse Hwy, Brawley, CA 92227, USA
Category: Air
Black smoke coming from what seems to be an outdated tractor. Also concerned with the amount of particulate matter released from tilling
Administrator Comment: 08/11/2017: The DTSC Imperial CUPA forwarded this report to APCD. 08/11/2017: APCD- In terms of the smoke as you probably are aware the Air District has no jurisdiction over mobile sources, this includes on-road and off-road. The link below provides you with CARBs complaint website however I did not see a specific section for agricultural equipment, I tried calling a couple of numbers found in this page but you have to leave a message and I did not want to leave a message without more information from the complainant. I did get a hold of someone else at CARB and she informed me that there is no set regulation for agricultural equipment but that she would research further and get back to me. In regards to the tilling of the field, agricultural farmers/businesses are required to comply with Rule 806 and therefore apply conservation management practices which requires them to have a CMP plan. If I knew the exact location of this field I would be able to send an Inspector to conduct an inspection and make sure measures are taking place. Nevertheless, it is important to note that tilling the land will always generate dust emissions however we can attempt to meet with the operator and request that they slow down speeds and attempt to mitigate dust emissions as much as possible if is impacting people or roads. 08/14/2017: The DTSC Imperial CUPA forwarded this report to CARB.