Toxic Smoke
In Progress
Saturday 01 April 2017 9:44 AM
Location: 2254 CA-86, Brawley, CA 92227, USA
Category: Air
Smoke clouds that contained a green substance and had a burning smell. Smoke appeared to be coming from a field near Spreckle's Sugar but there was no exact cause of the smoke. The smoke could be seen from a few hundred feet away but smell appeared as you got closer to it.
Administrator Comment: 04/04/2017: The DTSC Imperial CUPA has forwarded this complaint to APCD. 04/04/2017: From APCD- For 871, there was no burn conducted on Saturday so not sure if this is an old picture or not. We did schedule some fields by Spreckles Sugar which by looking at the pictures seems to be in the relative area however those fields burned back on February 24th or March 2nd.