Dumping at construction site
In Progress
Thursday 15 September 2011 1:57 PM
Location: Ocotillo, CA
Category: Solid Waste
"On 9/7/2011 I reported this to the Imperial County Health dept. and nothing has been done yet. They tow these Porta Pottys to various job sites and sometimes unhook them from the truck and leave them and they don’t tie them down. This new Sunrise Power tower job site is up on the top of Sugar Loaf hill in Ocotillo and the wind gusts can be pretty strong. It looks like the wind blew over this Porta Potty and I guess no one wants do flip it back up and tow it out of there. I have reported other environmental issues to the county including dust from the helicopters, dust from the wind blowing across the job sites and oil leaking from equipment. It seems like these new projects are exempt from all of the laws out here, no one does anything about it. I called the CHP 3 times for fully loaded water trucks and cement trucks speeding down the roads in town (65mph in 35mph zone) and the basic response was “We are short handed, we only have 4 cars to patrol from Imperial County to Alpine, what do you want us to do about it?”."