Fugitive Dust Concern near Elementary School


Friday 09 August 2019 8:03 AM

Location: Bull Enterprises Inc, Bowker Road, El Centro, CA, USA

Categorie: Air


This morning around 7:30am there was a heavy presence of fugitive dust in the air, as demonstrated in the images attached. The dust cloud was so large I could see it 4 miles away on Heber Road going north on Bowker Rd. This didn't seem normal. I drive this way all the time. Less than two miles away is Meadow Union Elementary School a vulnerable population when it comes to air quality. How can we better manage these facilities? This is not good for our air quality.

Administrator Comment:

Two APCD Inspectors went out to conduct an investigation on August 12, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. The investigation began with a perimeter inspection of Bull Holding as the complainant indicated this is the location where the dust was being generated. No dust issues were observed at the time. Inspectors waited and observed the perimeter for approximately 20 minutes before entering the facility. Upon entering the facility the Inspectors meet with the Office Manager and informed her of the complaint that was received a few days ago. The Inspectors informed her that currently they did not see any dust opacity issues however they will be returning in the future to conduct a follow-up inspection. The Office Manager indicated she would speak to the president of the company and inform him of this issue. It is important to note that on the same day and at approximately the same time APCD Division Manager Emmanuel Sanchez saw a smoke cloud very similar to the one on the picture submitted as part of the complaint. The smoke cloud was created due to a hay stack fire on South Clark Road near the City of El Centro.


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