ag burning around community and schools
Wednesday 24 January 2018 10:40 AM
Location: 220 south international, CA 92227, USA
Category: Air
agriculture burning around 3 schools all week/heavy allergies this year/smoke gets to school ground after seeing black cloud of smoke
Administrator Comment: 01/31/2018: The DTSC Imperial CUPA has forwarded this report to APCD. 01/31/2018: APCD: That day was actually a “No-Burn Day”, however there was a fire south of Niland at the IID manage marsh lands which happens to be an environmental habitat. Workers were cutting down the vegetation when the equipment hit a rock which accidently caught the vegetation on fire. IID personnel and Imperial County Fire Department quickly showed up and made a barrier to prevent the fire from spreading even further. In regards to burning near schools, all agricultural burns that were coordinated last week were outside the 1.5 mile radius from a nearby school and those burns that were outside the radius were evaluated to insure the wind wouldn’t impact the schools.